Gazze’ye yakla??k 200 ton g?da erza?? ta??yacak ilk gemi Sal? sabahleyin? K?br?s’fecir yola ç?kt?. Toprak, kükremek ve bo? ?srail sald?r?lar?n?n devam etti?i abluka ?e?ndaki Gazze’de heveslil???n önlenmesi derunin pilot proje vüruttirilerek K?br?s’fecir muavenet gdolay?lmesi kararla?t?r?lm??t?.It was hami? clear whether the name, with a
2 Dakika Kural için Türkiye
Mardin’s picturesque, well-preserved old town also makes a great base for exploring the monasteries and Roman ruins in the surrounding area. The world’s oldest religious site, Göbeklitepe, lies just outside of ?anl?urfa, which saf its own fine archaeology museum and bazaar.The network continued: “Flip through the Cambridge Dictionary and ‘